How To Make Your Own Cutting Board? 2023’s Best Guide

how to make your own cutting board

If you like to cook and make delicious food in your kitchen, you know how vital a good cutting board is. You can also save money by learning how to make your own cutting board.

Making a cutting board may seem daunting, but with the right tools and a little bit of patience, you can create a beautiful and functional piece that will last for years.

However, this guide will help you create a cutting board that’s perfect for your cooking needs. You can craft a unique and practical cutting board with suitable materials and tools that will last for years. Check out this article to learn all about this topic.

How To Make Your Own Cutting Board– Step By Step

Making your own cutting board is a great DIY project that can save you money and provide a beautiful, customized addition to your kitchen.

Here are the steps to make your own cutting board:


  • Hardwood lumber (such as maple, walnut, or cherry)
  • Miter saw hand saw, or circular saw
  • Planer or sandpaper
  • Router or sandpaper
  • Food-safe finish (such as mineral oil or beeswax)


Here, I am sharing step-by-step instructions to make your own cutting board:

Step-1. Choose the type of wood you would like to use

Making your own cutting board allows you to personalize your kitchen. Selecting the wood for your project is the first step.

Due to their durability and strength, hardwoods are the best choice. Consider types such as maple, walnut, beech, and cherry.

Be aware that some types of wood may require special treatment to prevent warping. Additionally, research the type of finish you would like to use. This can be either a mineral oil or a varnish.

Step-2. Cut the wood to the desired size:

Start by measuring and marking the wood for cutting. A miter saw, or circular saw is ideal for cutting wood to the desired size.

The cutting board size is up to you, but a standard size is around 18 by 12 inches. And a thickness of 1 1/2 to 2 inches is ideal for a cutting board.

 When cutting wood, wear safety goggles and gloves. Ensure that the cuts are straight and accurate for a perfect fit.

Step-3. Sand the wood and smooth its edges:

Sanding and smoothing the edges of the wood is a necessary step in making a cutting board. Working from medium-grit to fine-grit sandpaper is a good way to begin.

Doing this will ensure that the wood surface is smooth and minimize splinters. Use food-grade sandpaper if you plan on using the cutting board for food. 

Additionally, use a sanding block to get into the difficult-to-reach corners. A sanded and smooth edge will give your cutting board a more finished and professional look.

Step-4. To protect the wood from bacteria, apply a sealant:

After sanding the wood board, it’s essential to put a sealant on it to protect it from bacteria and other dirt. Using a brush, apply a protective sealant or mineral oil over the board. 

Ensure the entire cutting board is covered in a thin layer of sealant. Allow the sealant to penetrate the wood for a few hours before wiping off the residual sealant. 

This adds a protective layer to the cutting board and helps keep it hygienic.

Step-5. Enjoy your new cutting board:

After the cutting board is complete, it is time to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Place the board on your kitchen counter or wherever you use it. Show off your masterpiece to friends and family. 

Start using the cutting board to cut vegetables, meats, and fruits. Clean the board after each use with a damp cloth and mild soap. 

Store the board on a flat surface to maintain its shape. With proper care, your homemade cutting board can last for years. Thats it on how to make your own cutting board.

What Is The Most Important Consideration When Making Your Own Cutting Board?

When making your own cutting board, the most crucial consideration is the safety of the food you prepare.

Here are some key factors to keep in mind:

  • Select the right materials. Your cutting board should be made of a food-safe material that won’t harbor bacteria. Maple, walnut, and cherry are popular because they’re durable, attractive, and won’t dull knives.
  • Your cutting board should be large enough to cut your food comfortably. For stability and warping prevention, 1 inch is recommended.
  • Your cutting board should be smooth enough to cut and clean but not so smooth that knives will slip. Many prefer a slightly textured surface to sharpen knives.

These factors and food safety practices can help you make a functional and safe cutting board.

What Are The Safest Cutting Board Materials?

There are many safe materials for cutting boards, including:


Cutting boards made of plastic are light and easy to clean. You can even put them in the dishwasher. Getting a high-density polyethylene (HDPE) cutting board is vital, which is more durable and less likely to hold bacteria than other plastics.

Stainless steel:

Cutting boards made of stainless steel are strong and don’t hold bacteria because they don’t have pores. But they are more demanding on knives and can be loud when you use them.


Cutting boards can be made from bamboo, which grows back and is suitable for the environment. It is a strong material that doesn’t get scratched easily and doesn’t let in as much dirt as wood.


Glass cutting boards don’t have pores, so they don’t soak up smells or stains. They are also easy to clean. But they can be heavy and may make knives wear out faster.

It’s important to remember that wooden cutting boards can also be used safely if they are kept in good shape and cleaned regularly. But they need more upkeep than other materials and should be replaced when they get too worn.

DIY Cutting Board

How Do You Clean And Maintain A Cutting Board in Good Condition?

Properly cleaning and maintaining your cutting board ensures its longevity and safety. Here are some tips to help you take care of your cutting board:

  1. Choose the right cutting board. You can take a cutting board made of materials that are easy to clean and keep up. You can use wood, bamboo, or plastic.
  2. After each use, clean your cutting board with hot, soapy water. Use a scrub brush to remove any food stuck on the surface.
  3. Disinfect regularly. Use a solution of 1 tablespoon of bleach and 1 gallon of water to clean your cutting board regularly. Once the board has been sprayed with the solution, let it sit for several minutes, then rinse it with hot water and let it dry naturally.
  4. If you have a wooden cutting board, you should oil it often, so it doesn’t dry out and crack. Use mineral oil or beeswax that is safe for food to oil your board.
  5. Use separate cutting boards for raw meat, poultry, fish, and fruits and vegetables. This will help prevent cross-contamination and the spread of harmful bacteria.
  6. Store your cutting board in a dry, well-ventilated area. Warping or cracking can occur if other items are stacked on top of it.

By following these tips, you can keep your cutting board in good condition for years to come and ensure it remains safe for food preparation.

Why Is It Important To Clean Your Cutting Board?

Clean your cutting board for several reasons:

Food safety:

On cutting boards, salmonella, E. coli, and Listeria can cause foodborne illnesses. Raw meat, poultry, seafood, and produce can carry these bacteria. These bacteria can spread to other foods you prepare on a dirty cutting board, making you and your family sick.


Using the same cutting board for raw meat and vegetables can spread bacteria. Unclean cutting boards can also cause this.

Odor and flavor transfer:

A dirty cutting board can retain food odors and flavors. The next food you cook on the board may taste differently.

You can wash and rinse the board with hot, soapy water. Wipe the board with one tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water or a commercial sanitizer. Finally, scratched or warped cutting boards can breed bacteria, so replace them.

People Also Ask

Q. Can I use any wood for a cutting board?

A: It’s important to use hardwood lumber that is dense and durable, such as maple, walnut, or cherry. Avoid using softwood lumber, such as pine or cedar, as they can be too porous and prone to cracking.

Q. What techniques should be used to protect the cutting board?


  • Protect the cutting board from moisture by regularly oiling it with food-grade mineral oil.
  • Use a plastic or wood scraper to clean the board afterward.
  • Store the board in a cool, dry place to prevent warping.

Q. Are there any specific safety precautions to consider?

A. Yes, there are specific safety precautions to consider when making a cutting board. When working in a well-ventilated area, wear protective eyewear and gloves. Make sure to keep any sharp objects away from children and pets. Also, when sanding, make sure to wear a dust mask and throw away any wood shavings in a safe way.

Q. How can you customize a cutting board to your needs?


  1. Choose the size and shape of the cutting board according to your needs.
  2. The type of wood you choose depends on the food you will cut.
  3. It should be thick enough to be comfortable to use while cutting.
  4. Add a handle or a hole to hang it on the wall.
  5. A thicker cutting board is made by joining two pieces of wood with wood glue.

Q: Is making your own cutting board cost-effective?

A: Making your own cutting board can be cost-effective, as you can choose the type of wood and customize the size to fit your needs. Plus, you can add beauty and function to your kitchen with a handmade cutting board.

Final Thought

Hopefully, you have now learned the process of how to make your own cutting board. With a few simple tools and materials, you can easily make your own cutting board. 

You’ve not only made a useful tool for your kitchen, but you’ve also learned valuable woodworking skills that you can apply to future projects. 

Remember that your cutting board will require maintenance and care to keep it in good condition, so oil it regularly and avoid soaking it in water. 

So have fun with the creative aspects of the project, and be sure to take your time and enjoy the process. I hope you enjoyed this do-it-yourself project and will continue exploring the woodworking world.

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